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1. What is CAT Exam?
Common Admission Test (CAT) 2023 is the mandatory entrance exam for MBA admission 2024 in all the 20 IIMs, FMS Delhi, SPJIMR Mumbai, MDI Gurgaon, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur; NITIE Mumbai and hundreds of other top B-schools in India. More than two lakh candidates appear in CAT every year to explore admission opportunity in MBA programmes offered by IIMs and other top MBA colleges in India. Salient Points about the Exam are:
- A computer based test conducted at more than 150 test cities and 300 test venues
- Since 2020, CAT exam duration is reduced to two hours from earlier three hours
- The exam is divided into three sections of Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension; Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning; Quantitative Ability
- Each Section in the exam has to be attempted in a fixed individual time limit.
- Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) will offer admission on the basis of CAT 2023 score only and will not accept any other test score
2. CAT 2023 Exam: Key Features & Highlights
Following are the key features of IIM CAT 2023 exam details like CAT Full Form, Notification, CAT 2023 exam dates, Eligibility, Exam Structure among other details
CAT Full Form | Common Admission Test,conducted on yearly basis for MBA admission by one of the 6 older IIMs |
CAT Exam Date 2023 | November 26, 2023 |
CAT Entrance exam sessions | Likely to be Conducted in 3 sessions – Morning, Afternoon&Evening on same day |
CAT 2023 Conducting Institutes | IIM Lucknow. IIMs are the CAT conducting Institutes |
CAT Entrance Exam Mode | Computer based exam but not an online exam |
When to Check for CAT 2023 Notification | From July 30, 2023 onwards, at MBAUniverse.com and in Newspapers |
Details in CAT Notification 2023 | CAT Exam details, Application fee, Registration dates, IIMs & their management programmes through CAT |
Maximum Age Limit to appear in IIM CAT | No Age Limit, Graduates with 50% marks can apply |
Number of Questions in CAT 2023 | 66 questions divided in 3 sections |
CAT Exam Time Duration on CAT 2023 Exam Date | 2 hours for each Slot |
Sectional Time limit | 40 minutes for 1 section |
Name of sections and number of questions | VARC-24 Questions; DILR-20 questions; Quant-22 questions |
Expected Difficulty level | Moderate to Difficult |
Order of Sections | Pre-fixed, no change allowed |
Colleges Accepting CAT 2023 for MBA admission 2023 | 20 IIMs, FMS, MDI, SPJIMR, IITs, IMI, IMT& 500 other MBA colleges in India |
CAT Exam Fees 2023 | Rs.2400/- |
How to Apply for CAT 2023 | Application process is online only |
CAT Official Website for CAT 2023 Form Filling | IIMCAT.AC.IN |
IIMs’ Application Fee | No Separate Application Fee to apply for IIM. Registration Fee covers application fee of all 20 IIMs |
3. CAT Exam Pattern 2023: Key Changes &Revised Structure
Since 2015, CAT exam has remained on similar pattern, except for last three years which may be followed for CAT 2023 also, in terms of time duration, number of questions and sections as under:
- 120 Minutes Exam: CAT 2023 is a computer delivered test of 2 hours duration but it is not an Online Exam
- 66 Questions: Like last year, CAT 2023 exam will have 66 questions divided in 3 sections of VARC, DILR and Quantitative Ability. Earlier it used to have 100 questions divided in three sections
- 18-20 No Penalty Questions: Out of 66 questions, there will be 18 or more questions which will not have negative marking. CAT 2023 exam is divided into MCQ and Non-MCQ type of questions and the Non-MCQs do not carry negative marking. In case any non-MCQ has negative marking, a few MCQs are changed to no negative marking questions.
- 48-50 CAT Questions with Negative Marking: More than 48 questions in CAT 2023 are of MCQ type and will carry penalty of 1/3 negative marking
- CAT cut off Requirement by IIMs: A Minimum qualifying score between 70 and 90 percentile in CAT 2023 is required by IIMs in each of the 3 sections to shortlist candidates for final admission round
- IIM Shortlisting Criteria: Apart from High score in each of the 3 sections in the exam, if you have good academic profile with diversity, work experience, you are a preferred candidate to get admission into IIMs.
3.1 CAT Pattern 2023: Revised Structure of Question Paper
The table below shares the sectional order, number and type of questions in each section, questions with and without negative marking for each section for the 2 hours exam
CAT 2023 exam components | MCQs (With negative marking) | Non-MCQs (TITA Qs Without negative marking) | Total Questions |
Section-1: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) (Time limit: 40 Minutes) | 21 | 3 | 24 |
Section-2: Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)(Time Limit: 40 Minutes) | 16 | 4 | 20 |
Section-3: Quantitative Ability (QA)(Time Limit: 40 Minutes) | 14 | 8 | 22 |
Total (Overall) (Time limit: 120 Minutes) | 41 | 15 | 66 |
4. CAT 2023 Exam Syllabus: Overall and Section wise syllabus
Although the exam Syllabus is not pre-defined by IIMs, it overall tests the candidate on Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension; Quantitative Aptitude; Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning.During the last 5 years, CAT exam syllabus has substantially changed. Major changes in CAT Syllabus 2023 are:
- The Syllabus is changed and contains different type of questions with a combination of MCQs & Non-MCQs.
- 25-30% Questions are no penalty questions now
- Most of the changes in syllabus have taken place in the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Section as the share of Reading Comprehension based questions has increased as compared to Verbal Ability questions
- A few changes in syllabus have been introduced in Quantitative Ability section with more focus on Arithmetic questions
4.1 CAT Syllabus Section-Wise
Sectional Division | Overview of Topics in the CAT Syllabus 2023 | Weightage in exam |
Quantitative Ability (QA) | Arithmetic, Modern Math, Number System Algebra, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Geometry | 36% |
Data Interpretation& Logical Reasoning (DILR) | Data Charts, Data Tables, Bar Graphs, Venn Diagrams, Seating arrangement, Team formation, Clocks & Calendars | 30% |
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) | Long & Short Passages Jumbled Paragraphs; Para-summary Picking the Out of context sentence from a jumbled paragraph | 34% |
5. CAT Preparation: How to Prepare for the Exam?
A few months of devoted preparation can enable you to crack CAT exam as it requires ‘Smart Preparation.’ You can self prepare for the exam with best books; can join a coaching or can have a mix of self preparation and guidance from coaching. Key aspects of preparation, as per the experts, are:
- You should have strong basics with clarity on concepts
- Improve your weak areas and strengthen your strong areas
- Consistent revision is required with Mocks, practice tests, Quizzes
- Prepare a list of topics as per the syllabus and improve on each of them
- Form a peer group on social media for preparation
- Focus more on RC in VARC section; focus equally on DI & LR and practice more Arithmetic questions to clear the section wise cut offs
- Time Management with Accuracy & Speed is required. Consistently improve on them
- Consult best CAT preparation books and attempt their practice questions
- Read Interviews and tips from CAT Toppers studying at IIMs, FMS, SPJIMR, MDI, on their CAT preparation strategy published on MBAUniverse.com and other channels
5.1 Preparation for VARC, DILR, Quant
The section wise CAT preparation strategy is very important. Key tips to prepare for each section is as below:
5.1.1 Preparation for VARC
- Go through the Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Syllabus
- Choose the Best books
- Read the strategy for CAT Verbal Ability Preparation of past CAT toppers How to Ace CAT Verbal Ability
- Questions on RC passages in CAT constitute 70% share and Verbal questions are 30%. So focus and practice more RC based questions to crack CAT
Section-1: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC): Composition
Total MCQs (With negative marking) | 21 |
Total Non-MCQs (Without negative marking) | 3 |
Total Questions | 24 |
Key Sectional Highlights | 4-5 RC Passages with 16 to 18 MCQs; VA 6-8 MCQs and Non MCQs divided into Para jumbles, Para Summary, and Out of Context Sentences |
5.1.2 Preparation for DILR
DILR is the 2nd section in CAT exam. It plays very important role to clear the cut off percentile. The section has equal number of Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning Questions. You need to practice more to score high in this section. Experts advise following tips to prepare for DILR:
- Data Interpretation questions for CAT test your analytical skills of interpreting the Data given to you in the form of Table, Chart, Graph or in other form
- Logical Reasoning for CAT constitutes 50% share in the newly created Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation Comprehension (DILR) Section in CAT
- The goal of scoring high in CAT 2023 can be achieved with small but consistent efforts and time devoted to the DILR section.
- DILR preparation for CAT requires you to first get as many as DILR practice questions for CAT
- To move in direct DILR preparation direction, it will be better to refer to DILR questions for CAT with solutions
Section-2: Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR): Composition
Total MCQs (With negative marking) | 15 |
Total Non-MCQs (Without negative marking) | 5 |
Total Questions | 20 |
Key Sectional Highlights | LR – 10 QuesDI – 10 QuesAll in Sets of 4-5 Qs |
5.1.3 Preparation for Quant
Quantitative Ability (QA) is the last section in CAT exam. It can improve or reduce your CAT score substantially. To score high in this section, experts advise following tips:
- A three dimensional approach is recommended on CAT Preparation for Quant section
- Strengthen your basics and formulae in Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Modern Math and allied topics
- Practise on variety of questions of different difficulty level
- Finally solve previous CAT papers and Mocks for each topic. The more you do it, the more expertise in Quant section for CAT, you will get.
- QA Sectional Composition
Section-3: Quantitative Ability (QA)
Total MCQs (With negative marking) | 14 |
Total Non-MCQs (Without negative marking) | 8 |
Total Questions | 22 |
Key Sectional Highlights | High on Arithmetic. Other on Log, Geometry, Roots, Algebra |
5.2 Best Books for CAT Preparation
IIM CAT has been changing its pattern and every year different types of questions appear in the exam. During the last few years, the CAT has been modified completely. Most of the CAT preparation books in the market are based on the previous CAT exam pattern but the best CAT books shared here have updated changes with the anticipated question type in CAT exam. While choosing the best books for CAT, it should be kept in mind that the books are conversant with the changed exam pattern and difficulty level. Few things to check in the books are:
- Should Provide conceptual clarity on the relevant CAT topic
- Rich on the exercises, practice questions and Mocks given after each topic
- Caters your need to focus more on the weak areas with variety of practice questions
- Latest edition of CAT preparation Book offers the updated exam pattern and syllabus also
5.2.1: 10 Best books for CAT Preparation
If you are self-preparing for CAT or are preparing with the support of CAT coaching institute, in both the cases, the latest edition of the CAT books for preparation as shared below will help you in conceptual clarity, practice questions and attempting the sample papers
- How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT’– by Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay
- Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha
- Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension by Ajay Singh
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
- How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT by Arun Sharma (Published by McGraw Hill)
- How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma (Published by McGraw Hill)
- Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K. Sinha
- CAT Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning by Gautam Puri,Publisher Career Launcher
- How to prepare for Quantitative for the CAT by Arun Sharma, published by MGH Education
- Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Nishit K Sinha
- Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT by Sarvesh K Verma
5.3 Preparing for CAT 2023 with CAT Coaching
CAT coaching institutes help you to prepare for CAT systematically without deviating from your preparation path. While offering smart and intensive preparation for CAT exam 2023, the top CAT coaching institutes help you to minimize the wastage of time with optimum utilization. There are 1 year, 6 months, 3 months and 2 months CAT preparation time modules offered by the good CAT coaching institutes that help you crack CAT with high score. If you need to clear the concepts and build your basics before practicing sessions, CAT toppers and experts suggest to start CAT preparation with a 6 month time margin. The preparation can be self, with the support of CAT online or offline coaching or a mix of both.
5.3.1 Top CAT Coaching Institute in India
The choice of CAT coaching mode depends upon your interest, time, money and preparation level while preparing for CAT 2023 exam. Shared below are the top coaching institutes with their key centres and available options for coaching:
Top CAT 2023 Coaching Institutes | Class room or online Coaching | City wise CAT Preparation Center Location |
TIME | Both | Delhi, Noida, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Gurgaon among total 100+ centres |
Career Launcher | Both | Delhi, Noida, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Gurgaon among 80+ centres |
IMS | Both | Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad among 50+ centres |
Byju’s | Online | Online Coaching via Tablet anywhere in India & Abroad |
2IIM.com | Online | Online coaching course with videos, quizzes, practice tests, and slideshows. Classroom coaching in Chennai only |
MBAGURU | Both | Centres across Delhi located in CP, Rajouri Garden, Pitampura, Kailash Colony |
Arun Sharma’s Mindworkzz | Both | Mindworkzz has 3 centres in C P, Delhi and offers online coaching as well |
Endeavor | Both | Ahmedabad, Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune among 20+ centres across India |
BullsEye | Online | Offers Online Coaching |
Tathagat | Classroom coaching | Centres located in Delhi, Noida |
Alchemist | Classroom coaching | CP-Delhi, North Delhi, West Delhi and Gurgaon |
5.4 Toppers’ Tips for CAT Preparation
Previous CAT Toppers studying at IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Udaipur, FMS, SPJIMR, MDI have shared with MBAUniverse.com their CAT preparation strategy and how they overcame their weak areas and scored high. The last minute CAT preparation tips from these CAT toppers are very helpful in improving your score in the exam. Check Below
CAT Topper | Studying At | CAT %ile | Profile |
Sumedha Srinivasan | IIM Ahmedabad | 94.78 | Chartered Accountant; Asset Management Expert |
Padmasandhya S | IIM Ahmedabad | 98.49 | Chartered Accountant; Work Experience at Barclays |
Shubham Bajaj | IIM Calcutta | 99.98 | B-Tech in CSE from IEM Kolkata, worked with Nomura |
Nancy Jain | IIM Calcutta | 99.72 | B.Tech from IGDTUW, worked at Tata Motors |
Ekansh Gupta | IIM Calcutta | 99.91 | B.Tech, from NIT Jamshedpur. Worked at EXL Services as Risk Analyst for a US bank |
Nandan Goel | IIM Calcutta | 99.95 | BMS from Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies, DU, worked at DE Shaw |
Yashvi Bansal | IIM Udaipur | 94.72 | BBA Marketing from Auro University Surat |
Venkata Satya SrikarMedisetti | IIM Udaipur | 98.44 | B.Tech from NITK Suratkhal, Worked in a pharmaceutical company |
6. CAT Eligibility Criteria 2023
Below are the important points that determine CAT eligibility criteria 2023
- A candidate with minimum 50% marks in graduation can appear in CAT 2023
- A final year student in graduation can also appear in CAT 2023 conducted by IIM
- There is no age limit to apply and appear in CAT 2023
7. CAT 2023 Registration & Application: CAT 2023 Form Filling Process
- CAT 2023 Registration process is online
- You can register & apply for CAT 2023 online only on the official CAT website
- CAT 2023 registration fee is Rs.2400/- for General candidates. CAT exam fee should be paid online only
- The application process for CAT 2023 opens in August first week after release of CAT Notification 2023
7.1 CAT Registration Trends
More than 2.55 lakh candidates had registered last year for CAT 2022 exam. In 2021 2.30 Lakh applied for CAT; in 2020, 2.27 lakh candidates applied for CAT and in 2019, more than 2.44 lakh candidates had applied for CAT. It signified that candidates had to compete with more candidates in CAT exam and needed to score high to get shortlisted by top three IIMs and other top MBA colleges.
Although the trends in CAT registrations since 2010 show a downward journey initially, but from 2013 it has been showing a rising registration count reflecting the regaining trust of CAT aspirants and anticipation of better career opportunities after completing MBA/PGP from an IIM or other top B-school

8. Top Colleges Accepting CAT 2023 with Cut off Percentile
More than Top 100 MBA colleges in India are accepting CAT 2023 score for MBA admission 2024. Apart from 20 IIMs, other top CAT MBA colleges in non-IIM category, include FMS Delhi, MDI Gurgaon, SPJIMR Mumbai, SJMSoM IIT Mumbai, DoMS IIT Delhi among others. Some of the top colleges accepting CAT 2023 with their expected cut offs are as below:
8.1 Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs)
Top IIMs | CAT Cut off percentile (Minimum criteria) |
IIM Ahmedabad | 80 |
IIM Bangalore | 85 |
IIM Calcutta | 85 |
IIM Lucknow | 90 |
IIM Indore | 90 |
IIM Kozhikode | 90 |
IIM Tiruchirappalli | 95 |
IIM Shillong | 90 |
IIM Udaipur | 95 |
IIM Rohtak | 95 |
8.2 Top MBA Colleges in Non-IIM Category
Following are the CAT cut off for top MBA colleges in India
Top B Schools | Expected CAT 2023 Cut Off Percentile |
Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) New Delhi | 97 |
Management Development Institute (MDI) Gurgaon | 94 |
SPJIMR Mumbai | 85 |
International Management Institute (IMI) New Delhi | 90 |
Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Ghaziabad | 90 |
K J Somaiya Institute of Management Mumbai | 85 |
T. A. Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), Manipal | 85 |
FORE School of Management (FSM) New Delhi | 85+ |
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management (LBSIM) New Delhi | 85 |
Great Lakes Institute of Management (GLIM) Chennai | 80 |
8.3 MBA Programmes Offered by IIMs through CAT
Apart from being the most important entrance test for the 2 years full time post graduate management program (MBA/PGDM), CAT 2023 is the gateway for one year MBA programmes in IIMs and other prominent management institutes.Following are the various management programmes at IIMs in which admission 2023 is available through Common Admission Test 2023
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) | MBA Programmes Open for Admission 2024 through CAT 2023 |
IIM Ahmedabad | PGP, PGP-FABM |
IIM Amritsar | MBA, EMBA, MBA-Business Analytics, MBA-HRM |
IIM Bangalore | PGP, PGPEM, PGPBA |
IIM Bodh Gaya | PGP |
IIM Calcutta | MBA |
IIM Indore | PGP, PGP-HRM |
IIM Jammu | MBA |
IIM Kashipur | MBA, MBA (Analytics), EMBA |
IIM Kozhikode | PGP, PGP-BL, PGP-F, PGP-LSM, EPGP (At Kochi campus) |
IIM Lucknow | PGP, PGP-ABM, PGP-SM |
IIM Nagpur | PGP |
IIM Raipur | PGP |
IIM Ranchi | PGP, PGP-HRM, PGP (Business Analytics) |
IIM Sambalpur | MBA, Executive MBA |
IIM Shillong | PGP, PGPEX, PGPWE |
IIM Sirmaur | MBA, MBA (T&HM) |
IIM Tiruchirappalli | PGP, PGPM-HR, PGPBM |
IIM Visakhapatnam | PGP, PGPEX, PGPDGM |
9. CAT 2023 Important Dates
Following are the CAT 2023 important dates like CAT Notification date, CAT exam date, and for other different activities related to the CAT exam 2023:
Events | CAT Important Dates |
CAT Notification Date 2023 | July 30, 2023 |
CAT Registration Start Date | August 4, 2023 |
Last Date to Apply for CAT exam 2023 | September 15, 2023 |
CAT 2023 Registration & Application Fee | Rs.2400/- |
CAT 2023 Admit card Download Start date | October 25, 2023 |
Last Date for CAT 2023 Admit Card Download | November 26, 2023 |
CAT 2023 Exam date | November 26, 2023 |
CAT 2023 Result date | January 4, 2024 |
10. CAT 2023 Admit Card
CAT 2023 Admit Card download will start from October 2023 last week, immediately with the release of the CAT hall ticket by IIMs. IIMs will upload the CAT 2023 Admit card on official CAT exam website 2023. The CAT admit card release date may be extended by a few days in case the last date of registration for CAT 2023 exam is extended. The last date to download the CAT Admit Card is CAT 2023 exam date.
3 Steps to Download CAT 2023 Admit Card
- Logon to CAT official Website
- Enter CAT Login ID & Password & Click on ‘Admit Card’
- Click on Download & Take Print of CAT Admit card
11. CAT 2023 Result & IIMs’ Admission Process
CAT 2023 exam official result declaration date is 2nd week of January 2024. However, IIMs release the CAT result much earlier. Last year also, CAT 2022 result was released as early as on Dec 21, 2022 instead of officially announced date of Jan second week. It is likely that CAT 2023 result may be released on January 4, 2024 or earlier, in morning hours. Immediately after the CAT result declaration, IIMs will start announcing their shortlist on the basis of CAT scores and other parameters in their shortlisting criteria for final selection round. The final admission offer will be made to the candidates in the months of April/May 2024 by IIMs
IIMs release their individual admission process after CAT notification. The admission process in IIMs depends upon your performance in three major areas – Your CAT 2023 exam score; your academic record and performance in Personal Interview round. There are three stages through which IIM Admission Process is completed, they are:
- Stage-1: Performance in CAT Exam
- Stage-2: Shortlisting by IIMs for PI round
- Stage-3: IIMs Final Selection Process 2024 comprising WAT & PI Round
Your final admission offer depends upon your performance in all the above three stages of IIMs selection process. While the older IIMs conduct their individual selection process, 9 new and baby IIMs conduct common admission process (CAP) for admission. Remaining IIMs conduct their individual selection process.
11.1 Top IIMs Conduct Individual Admission Process
IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore, Kozhikode, Shillong individually shortlist the candidates and conduct their own admission process that award high weightage to academics, diversity, work experience apart from CAT exam score
11.2 Common Admission Process (CAP) for 9 IIMs
The final selection process at 9 new IIMs is conducted as a common process. One of the six new IIMs co-ordinates this selection process which is referred to as Common Admission Process (CAP). The CAP 2024 will consist of common WAT and PI round for 9 new IIMs namely IIM Kashipur, Raipur, Ranchi, Trichy,Udaipur and some of the newest IIMs like IIM Bodhgaya, Sambalpur, Sirmaur, Jammu.
11.3 IIM Nagpur, IIM Rohtak, IIM Visakhapatnam to conduct individual admission process
IIM Nagpur, IIM Rohtak and IIM Visakhapatnam do not participate in CAP round and conduct their own final selection process to make admission offer to the students. The final admission offers will be generated as per the merit lists prepared on the basis of CAT scores, Academic profile, Work experience and gender diversity in accordance with the weightage awarded to each of these factors.
12. Important Changes in CAT over the Years
Journey of IIM-CAT has witnessed substantial changes. In recent years, number of sections and type of questions in CAT have changed substantially. Important changes in pattern and conduct of CAT are shared below:
- CAT has changed from Paper Based to Computer based test
- CAT now has 3 sections instead of 2
- CAT has introduced 25 to 30 percent questions with No Negative marking
CAT Exam pattern over the past 12 years since it was computerized in 2009 has gone for perceptible changes. CAT paper pattern prior to 2009 was paper-pen based. CAT exam format was changed from paper based exam to CAT online computer based test in 2009. Even after that CAT paper pattern continued changing from 3 sections to 2 and then CAT pattern was changed to 3 sections in 2015. Since then CAT is following similar pattern. CAT 2023 pattern also remains the same as that of CAT exam 2023 pattern with 3 sections and 3 hours time although the number of MCQs and Non-MCQs may change.
13. Important Points about CAT 2023
Key points to note about CAT exam are given below:
13.1 When CAT is Conducted?
- CAT is conducted annually.
- Now conducted preferably on the last Sunday of November every year
- The exam is conducted on a single day in three sessions – morning, afternoon and evening with a duration of 2 hours for each session. From 2015 to 2019, CAT was 3 hour, two session exam.
- The change in sessions and time duration was made due to Covid-19 pandemic.
13.2 What is Mode of CAT?
CAT is a computer based entrance test of two hours duration
13.3 When to look for CAT Notification and complete CAT Information?
IIMs release all the details about CAT in leading news papers on the last Sunday of July every year. A day before this publication, the CAT convener sends the press release with important details about CAT on the designated web portals. The process to register and apply for CAT starts in the 1st week of August.
13.4 How difficult is CAT?
Despite being a highly competitive and most important MBA entrance exam in India, the difficulty level of CAT is considered moderate to high.
13.5 Scoring Pattern in CAT
Each correct answer in CAT is awarded with 3 marks. The raw score obtained in CAT is converted to scaled score and then converted to percentile score after allowing for equating and normalizing the scores for both the sessions in CAT.
IIMs and other top MBA colleges consider percentile awarded in CAT to shortlist the candidates for final selection round.
14. FAQs on CAT: Answers by Experts
Q. How many Questions are expected in CAT 2023?
A. CAT 2023 exam is expected to consist of 66 questions
Q. How difficult is the CAT exam
A. While some of the questions are of moderate difficulty level, some are more difficult
Q. Do IIMs provide any document and guide how to attempt CAT 2023 Exam?
A. IIMs release CAT practice test with complete navigation guide on the official website iimcat.ac.in. You can familiarize yourself with the functionality and navigation of the actual exam. You can also attempt CAT Mock Tests and CAT previous years question papers with answers at MBAUniverse.com
Q. Quant and DI questions in CAT require too much calculations. Can I take a calculator to the testing centre?
A. No, but the onscreen calculator is available throughout the exam. You can use that
Q. What is the Scoring Pattern in CAT 2023? Do the wrong answers carry any penalty of negative marking?
A. The CAT question paper is divided into MCQs and Non-MCQs. Each correct answer in CAT 2023 is awarded +3 marks for all the questions but the MCQs carry a penalty of -1 mark for each wrong answer. For the Non-MCQs (Known as TITA Questions), there is no penalty of negative marking. Besides there is no penalty for any unattempted questions whether MCQ or Non-MCQ.
Q. How a Non-MCQ is different from MCQ type question?
A. For a non-MCQ type question, you must type the answer in the given space while for the MCQ you only need to click on the most appropriate answer option
Q. What is the number of Non-MCQs overall and section wise in the CAT question paper?
A. Out of the total overall questions in CAT exam, there are about 25% Non-MCQs. The same principle applies to each section. Exact number of Non-MCQs in CAT 2023 depends upon the total questions in the Exam.
Q. Can I choose the order of sections while attempting the CAT question paper?
A. No, You should answer the sections in a pre-specified order. This order is same for all the candidates. Besides, each section has an individual time limit of 40 minutes, so after the individual section time is over, you will be taken to next section automatically.
Q. Can I submit the paper early and leave the test center before the exam time is over?
A. No, the CAT paper cannot be submitted before the test duration of 2 hours is over. You can neither leave your seat, nor can leave the test centre early
When CAT is Conducted?
- CAT is conducted annually.
- Now conducted preferably on the last Sunday of November every year
- CAT is now conducted on a single day in three sessions – morning, afternoon and evening with a duration of 2 hours for each session. From 2015 to 2019, CAT was 3 hour, two session exam.
- The change in CAT is due to Covid-19 pandemic. The three sessions of 2 hours each in CAT have 40 minutes sectional time limit and 76 total questions in CAT question paper
Which IIM Conducts CAT?
CAT is conducted by one of older IIMs by policy of rotation each year. There are six IIMs who conduct CAT one by one, they are IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIM Indore, IIM Kozhikode and IIM Lucknow. Since other 14 IIMs were established later, the responsibility to conduct CAT has not yet been assigned to any of them.
Mode of CAT
CAT is a computer based entrance test of two hours duration with 76 questions divided in three sections and has a time limit of 40 minutes for each section.
When to look for CAT Notification and complete CAT Information?
IIMs release all the details about CAT in leading news papers on the last Sunday of July every year. A day before this publication, the CAT convener sends the press release with important details about CAT on the designated web portals. The process to register and apply for CAT starts in the 1st week of August.
How difficult is CAT?
CAT is a highly competitive and most important MBA entrance exam in India. The difficulty level of CAT is considered moderate to high.
Scoring Pattern in CAT
Each correct answer in CAT is awarded with 3 marks. The raw score obtained in CAT is converted to scaled score and then converted to percentile score after allowing for equating and normalizing the scores for both the sessions in CAT.
IIMs and other top MBA colleges consider percentile awarded in CAT to shortlist the candidates for final selection round.
List of MBA (IT & Systems) for BCA Students
Here are some of the best MBA IT & Systems colleges in India:
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM Ahmedabad)
IIM Ahmedabad MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
IIM Ahmedabad MBA IT & Systems college logo
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM Bangalore)
IIM Bangalore MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (IIM Lucknow)
IIM Lucknow MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT Delhi)
IIT Delhi MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras)
IIT Madras MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
NITIE MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune
SIBM Pune MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WMDR)
Wockhardt Institute of Management Development and Research MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
Indian School of Business (ISB)
Indian School of Business MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
Great Lakes Institute of Management (GLIM)
Great Lakes Institute of Management MBA IT & Systems college logoOpens in a new window
These colleges offer top-notch MBA programs in IT & Systems, with excellent faculty, industry-relevant curriculum, and strong placement records. They are also accredited by the Association of Management Development Institutions of Asia (AMDISA) and the National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
If you are looking for an MBA in IT & Systems from a top college in India, these are the schools you should consider.
Here are some factors to consider when choosing an MBA IT & Systems college in India:
Reputation: The reputation of the college is an important factor to consider. The colleges listed above are all well-known and respected institutions with a good track record of placement.
Curriculum: The curriculum of the MBA program should be relevant to your interests and career goals. Make sure the program offers courses in areas such as business analytics, information security, and cloud computing.
Faculty: The faculty of the MBA program should be experienced and knowledgeable in the field of IT & Systems. They should be able to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your career.
Placements: The placement record of the MBA program is another important factor to consider. Make sure the program has a good track record of placing graduates in top IT & Systems jobs.
Fees: The fees of the MBA program are also a factor to consider. Make sure the program is affordable for you.
CAT Online Preparation
CAT Preparation
CAT Preparation Books
Verbal Ability for CAT
CAT Mock Test By IIM
Reading Comprehension (RC) For CAT
Data Interpretation For CAT
Logical Reasoning for CAT
Quantitative Aptitude for CAT
IIM Call Predictor
CAT Exam Centers
CAT Score Vs Percentile
MBA Colleges Accepting CAT
CAT Coaching in Agartala CAT Coaching in Agra CAT Coaching in Ahmedabad CAT Coaching in Akola CAT Coaching in Alappuzha CAT Coaching in Allahabad CAT Coaching in Amravati CAT Coaching in Anantapur CAT Coaching in Aurangabad CAT Coaching in Bangalore CAT Coaching in Bareilly CAT Coaching in Baroda CAT Coaching in Belgaum CAT Coaching in Berhampur CAT Coaching in Bhagalpur CAT Coaching in Bhilai CAT Coaching in Bhilwara CAT Coaching in Bhopal
CAT Coaching in Bhubaneswar CAT Coaching in Bilaspur CAT Coaching in Chandigarh CAT Coaching in Chennai CAT Coaching in Chhindwara CAT Coaching in Cochin CAT Coaching in Coimbatore CAT Coaching in Cuttack CAT Coaching in Dehradun CAT Coaching in Delhi CAT Coaching in Dharwad CAT Coaching in Durgapur CAT Coaching in Erode CAT Coaching in Faridabad CAT Coaching in Gandhinagar CAT Coaching in Ghaziabad CAT Coaching in Goa CAT Coaching in Gorakhpur
CAT Coaching in Greater Noida CAT Coaching in Guntur CAT Coaching in Gurgaon CAT Coaching in Guwahati CAT Coaching in Gwalior CAT Coaching in Haldwani CAT Coaching in Hisar CAT Coaching in Hubli CAT Coaching in Hyderabad CAT Coaching in Indore CAT Coaching in Jabalpur CAT Coaching in Jaipur CAT Coaching in Jalandhar CAT Coaching in Jalgaon CAT Coaching in Jammu CAT Coaching in Jamshedpur CAT Coaching in Jhansi CAT Coaching in Jodhpur CAT Coaching in Kakinada
CAT Coaching in Kannur CAT Coaching in Kanpur CAT Coaching in Karur CAT Coaching in Kolhapur CAT Coaching in Kolkata CAT Coaching in Kollam CAT Coaching in Kota CAT Coaching in Kottayam CAT Coaching in Kozhikode CAT Coaching in Lucknow CAT Coaching in Madurai CAT Coaching in Mangalore CAT Coaching in Meerut CAT Coaching in Moradabad CAT Coaching in Mumbai CAT Coaching in Muvattupuzha CAT Coaching in Mysore CAT Coaching in Nagpur CAT Coaching in Nashik
CAT Coaching in Nellore CAT Coaching in Ongole CAT Coaching in Panipat CAT Coaching in Panjim CAT Coaching in Patna CAT Coaching in Perinthalmanna CAT Coaching in Pondicherry CAT Coaching in Prayagraj CAT Coaching in Pune CAT Coaching in Raipur CAT Coaching in Rajahmundry CAT Coaching in Ranchi CAT Coaching in Rohtak CAT Coaching in Roorkee CAT Coaching in Rourkela
CAT Coaching in Sambalpur CAT Coaching in Shivamogga CAT Coaching in Solapur CAT Coaching in Surat CAT Coaching in Tirupati CAT Coaching in Trichur CAT Coaching in Narsinghgarh CAT Coaching in Trichy CAT Coaching in Trivandrum CAT Coaching in Udaipur CAT Coaching in Udupi CAT Coaching in Vallabh Vidyanagar CAT Coaching in Varanasi CAT Coaching in Vellore CAT Coaching in Vijayawada CAT Coaching in Virudhunagar CAT Coaching in Vizag CAT Coaching in Warangal